Tulsa, Oklahoma
Thomas Duffy is third year family medicine resident physician with Oklahoma State University. After graduating from The University of Oklahoma with degrees in biology and intercultural studies, Thomas returned to his hometown of Tulsa to attend Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He chose to stay with OSU for their Family Medicine residency position at Morton Comprehensive Health, a local FQHC. During residency, he was elected the Wellness Chief for his program, served on the ACOFP Resident Council, and started initiatives to increase his program’s medical student retention, hospital discharge efficiency, and prescription of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. After graduation, he plans to stay on at Morton to provide primary care for uninsured Tulsans, partnering with OSU to proctor medical students as an Adjunct Professor of Family and Urban Medicine. He continues to enjoy his participation in ACOFP, the benevolence team at his church, an all-physician Dungeons and Dragons group, and FreshRX, a nonprofit providing fresh produce to diabetic patients in Tulsa’s food deserts.
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Student: Embracing Opportunities and Challenges: A Journey in Osteopathic Family Medicine Residency
Friday, April 5, 2024
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CT